INVNT Nominated for Agency of The Year – Global

INVNT has been named a finalist in the Agency of the Year – Global category at the C&IT Awards 2020, which celebrate agencies’ outstanding achievements and creativity over the last 12 months to June 2020. The digital ceremony is set for September 24. You can learn more about it here. View all of this year’s finalists here. The post INVNT Nominated[…]

INVNT named Grand Prix winner at the C&IT Awards Americas 2020

INVNT has won four awards at the C&IT Awards Americas 2020, including the Grand Prix! We also received awards for: Event Company of the Year – Large. Technology and Telecoms Event of the Year – Samsung Unpacked 2H 2019. Consumer and Media Event of the Year – Genesis Mint Concept Launch. Highly Commended in the Best Use of Technology category for[…]

Why we launched INVNT Group during a pandemic

In this Q&A Scott Cullather, president and CEO of INVNT Group, explains the reason for the seemingly counter-intuitive launch during a period of economic uncertainty. INVNT was launched during the global recession in 2008, and now you’ve launched INVNT group during Covid-19. Why the decision that decision during uncertain times? Uncertain times like a global recession or pandemic require that businesses[…]

Kristina McCoobery, COO of the newly launched [INVNT GROUP], Co-Founder and CEO of INVNT, Forbes Speaker & Amazon Best-selling Author

Kristina McCoobery, COO of the newly launched [INVNT GROUP], Co-Founder and CEO of INVNT, ForbesSpeaker, and Amazon best-selling author of Challenge Everything: The Battle Cry That Blew Sh*t Up and INVNTd Live Brand Storytelling Kristina McCoobery launched INVNT in 2008 – at the height of the global recession – as she recognized there was an inherent need to offer clients an alternative to the[…]

5 Qualities to Look for in a Virtual Speaker

By Scott Cullather, President & CEO, [INVNT GROUP] and Co-Founder, INVNT Even though COVID-19 restrictions are beginning to ease around the world, it isn’t time to shift your focus away from the virtual experience just yet. We can now expect to see the rise of phygital events, which combine physical and virtual experiences—think satellite events for small face-to-face audiences, where the majority[…]

Why we decided to expand during a pandemic

“In many ways, COVID-19 accelerated the launch because it required that we pivot our offering, and pivot it fast.” By Laura Roberts, managing director, [INVNT GROUP] APAC Right from the beginning of the global outbreak of COVID-19, we encouraged our clients not to go quiet on their audiences, but live and breathe their purpose and communicate with them more instead of[…]

5 Ways to Be an Effective Mentor: Why Mentoring Is More Important than Ever

By Kristina McCoobery, COO, [INVNT GROUP] and co-founder and CEO, INVNT Every leader should strive to hire people who embody their principles, their mindset, and their vision. For us at INVNT it’s things like a voraciousness for learning, passion for the work, risk-seeking, and zero tolerance for average. There’s also a sense of rebelliousness, a degree of hubris, and sense of[…]

INVNT refreshes its group brand story and names new president and CEO

US-based live brand agency INVNT is relaunching itself as a ‘global brandstory project’ group and has added a new set of sub-brands. The international portfolio now comprises Folk Hero, a modern brand strategy firm, HEVĒ, a branded content and digital marketing studio, INVNT, the global live brand storytelling agency, and Meaning, its newly launched creative-led culture consultancy. Scott Cullather, who as CEO of[…]

Pandemic Changes the Face of Pop-Ups

Fewer in-person events and more window shopping and demonstrations will mark the way forward for these temporary spaces. Pandemic Changes the Face of Pop-Ups The post Pandemic Changes the Face of Pop-Ups appeared first on INVNT GROUP NEWS.

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